Auditory Exclusion is Real

August 24, 2017

Last week I wrote a piece that elicited an overwhelming response from this readership. And the conclusion: Auditory exclusion most certainly does exist. And not just for cops. I heard from firefighters, EMTs, hunters, and researchers, and every one of them in the affirmative.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

Here’s a representative email I received from Michael G.:


I have been in law enforcement for 10 years and worked in EMS on an ambulance for 10 years as well (most simultaneously with law enforcement).  One of the regularly cited examples of partial auditory exclusion I can speak of is having to turn up the dispatch radio to be able to hear it while actively looking for something (e.g., a suspect or address on an emergent call). The environment inside the vehicle is usually about the same, and the dispatch radio can be heard just fine. But when a call comes in that requires brain power, either needed for visual assessment or mental rehearsal, it seems to make the radio difficult to hear unless I’m consciously listening to the radio for traffic.

David B. over at Facebook was more scientific about it, pointing out that the concept is documented in scientific literature from at least J.A. Easterbrook’s Cue Utilization Theory (1959). David B. then went on to cite a bevy of research, both LE-specific and general, that support the theory of auditory exclusion. (This, for example. Or this. Or this. Or this.)

So it seems that there is ample anecdotal and scientific support for this theory. Where is the controversy? Is it that some question the validity of the theory? Or is it that they would question its admissibility in court?

As for the first question, I think the article, as many of you pointed out, created unnecessary confusion in order to elicit a response. Specifically, it uses the terms “deafening” and “auditory exclusion” interchangeably. Deafening would imply physiology, while auditory exclusion is psychological in nature. Nobody is suggesting that the ears’ mechanisms somehow stop working under stress, only that perception narrows.

The article somewhat concedes the point, stating “… approached from a psychological perspective, the theory is better grounded.” The problem with this statement is that Dr. Sapolsky is a neuroscientist (not a neurologist, as the article states, and certainly not a physiologist) and Dr. Steptoe is a … psychologist.

As for why auditory exclusion shouldn’t be part of the defense on scientific grounds, the article doesn’t make a compelling case. Auditory exclusion clearly meets the Daubert standard—generally accepted in the scientific community; peer reviewed; testable; with a known and acceptable rate of error; and independently researched—for admissibility as evidence. The decision to admit it or not would be up to the judge. The judge in this case admitted it.

[I emailed Professor Philip Stinson at Bowling Green University, who is quoted as saying, “I don’t see this being admissible at all,” for clarification. I received no reply.]


Auditory exclusion is real, and it took me this long to realize that the article in question was never really about better understanding auditory exclusion or the stresses of police work. It was about getting clicks and confirming biases.

But I have to wonder: How many administrators and those reviewing use-of-force understand perceptional narrowing under high stress? And if they do get it, why aren’t we training our cops better to understand and deal with stress? Because the author is right about this: training must work to ensure “cops are better than us at this stuff.”

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  1. Dmitri Kozlowsky

    Is this exclusion excuse , available exclusively
    to LEO? Would a suspect, be able to use it in his defense, that he did not hear LEO commands becouse of auditory exclusion , brought on by stress.
    This sounds like more self-serving junk science from Force Science d-bags. To allow killer cops to walk free after killing unarmed suspects, or inappropriate use of force.

    • Samuel Fivey

      Interesting idea regarding a suspect using it. Defense attorneys do a very aggressive job representing their clients already, so i imagine some have already.
      Tunnel vision, auditory exclusion, loss of dexterity were all known and documented long before ForceScience came into existence. What they did was begin bringing the existing science into the law enforcement arena and using it to aid in understanding as well as explaining why incidents happened the way they did.

    • verytiredtexan

      Peace officers are essentially hired guns for society. They are paid to fight the fights so the citizens don’t have to. Plus they are required to do a million other jobs as each situation requires. So they get to use these defenses as they did not set out that day to get into a shooting. On the other hand, bad guys get what they get. They intentionally chose to put themselves in that situation by committing a crime with a firearm or other deadly weapon. They get no defense for they are the ones that put the events into motion. Had they not, nothing would have happened.

  2. Michael Fadden

    Hey DK- have you ever been scared? I mean, really scared. As in, “I might die!” scared? Maybe a serious auto accident that you saw coming but were powerless to stop? Or jumping out of an airplane for the first time? If so, I’m willing to bet you went through this. Not that I would expect you to admit it. Maybe suspects go through it, too. It wouldn’t surprise me. But suspects, in most cases, are being non-compliant before they reach the “scared to death” stage, if they ever reach that point. I submit that they aren’t scared of dying, They are scared of losing their freedom. Its not the same thing. A cop doesn’t have the luxury of saying to himself, “Well, maybe he didn’t hear me yelling ‘stop reaching’ a bunch of times. I’ll just wait to see if its really a gun he’s going for”.

    As for Force Science – show me the studies you have done or, at least, cite someone else’s work that contradicts the FS stuff.


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