The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff

In 2016, John Glenn left this Earth for his third and last time. As a kid growing up, I was fascinated by our country’s original seven Mercury astronauts who rocketed into the skies. Glenn was a major player before, during and after his first space mission. Some years after his ...
The Power of One Time

The Power of One Time

2019 marks the 30th year I’ve been involved in Japanese martial arts. During my 30 years, I’ve been fortunate to have trained with a number of Japanese Masters. I’ve found many parallels from the martial arts context to the law enforcement profession. None of the wonderful teachings ...
Taking Care of the Human Behind the Badge

Taking Care of the Human Behind the Badge

[Editor’s Note: This article is from the Cordico Law Enforcement Wellness App, which also provides audio content from Chief Tejada to help law enforcement develop a strong mindfulness practice.] Unlike most other professions, law enforcement is an emotionally challenging and often ...
Straining The Line

Straining The Line

The thin blue line is strained. The strain is getting worse by the day. But what if the thin blue line breaks? What I mean by this is: Where will society be when no one wants to do the job anymore? Law enforcement agencies across the country are facing increasing shortages due to ...
To Serve & Protect

To Serve & Protect

“Not all men are created equal, but only the finest become police officers.” This anonymous quote is embroidered in thick, black letters on an oval shaped slab of concrete resting in the center of my backyard garden. My hero may not have a cape or a mask, but he does have a badge. My ...

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