Final Tour: April 2016

Final Tour: April 2016

Two officers died in the line of duty during the month of April, bringing the total loss for 2016 to 32. Although the loss of these two officers was the ultimate tragedy for their families and agencies, losing “only” two officers in the course of an entire month has only happened ...
The Full-Moon Kidnapper & a Clerk Named Sue

The Full-Moon Kidnapper & a Clerk Named Sue

The other night I was sitting out by the pool enjoying an iced coffee and indulging in my only remaining vice, a Rocky Patel Premium cigar (Connecticut Vintage, 1999), listening to the local “oldies-but-goodies” radio station. Suddenly, my mind came out of my usual vegetative state ...
In Context

In Context

The recent debate over police reform has claimed, on both sides, statistics as its bedrock. And, not surprisingly, this hasn't gotten us very far. The reason, as Selby, Singleton, and Flosi so adeptly demonstrate, is because context--the totality of known circumstances for each and ...

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